Taxi rates LYFT Jamul, CA



Cost per min: $0.3
Cost per mile: $0.87

Minimum charge: $4
Service fee: $2.65
Cancellation fee: $5

Lyft XL

Base fare: $2
Cost per min: $0.32
Cost per mile: $1.56

Minimum charge: $5
Service fee: $2.85
Cancellation fee: $5


Base fare: $4
Cost per min: $0.3
Cost per mile: $2.41

Minimum charge: $7
Service fee: $2.85
Cancellation fee: $5

Lux Black

Base fare: $8
Cost per min: $0.35
Cost per mile: $3.61

Minimum charge: $15
Service fee: $1.95
Cancellation fee: $10

Lux Black XL

Base fare: $15
Cost per min: $0.4
Cost per mile: $4.36

Minimum charge: $25
Service fee: $1.95
Cancellation fee: $10

Lyft prices were updated 2223 days ago. Update prices to see the real-time rates with Lyft in Jamul, CA.

Calculate your taxi fare in Jamul

Check all taxi fares in Jamul, CA with our Taxi Fare Estimate

(including Lyft Standard, Lyft Line, Lyft Plus and Lyft Premier)

We check the Lyft ride pricing and travel time details for all available car services in Jamul, CA, United States; 24/7.

Recent Estimates nearby:
14615 Otay Lakes Rd to 3203 Fairmount Ave   Rancho Jamul Drive to Chula Vista   18136 Lawson Valley Rd to Pecs Bar   Skydive San Diego to The Westin San Diego   Whispering Meadows Lane to Airport Terminal Road  

While enjoying the cheap Lyft rides, we recommend you to visit Jamul, CA top places of interest. Go get behind the wheel and enjoy Lyft in Jamul, CA.

Lyft Jamul most popular routes:
Taxi fare from Hollywood Casino Jamul-San Diego to 10339 Taussig Ct
Taxi fare from Jamul to San Diego International Airport
Taxi fare from Pio Pico RV Resort & Campground to San Diego International Airport
Taxi fare from 18136 Lawson Valley Rd to Pecs Bar
Taxi fare from Rancho Jamul Drive to Chula Vista
Taxi fare from 15183 Lyons Valley Rd to Valhalla High School
Taxi fare from 13850 Rancho Vista Ct to Hollywood Casino Jamul-San Diego
Taxi fare from Whispering Meadows Lane to Airport Terminal Road
Taxi fare from Skydive San Diego to The Westin San Diego
Taxi fare from 14615 Otay Lakes Rd to 3203 Fairmount Ave

So, here you would check Lyft fare estimates for Jamul, San Diego, California, United States. Lyft taxis in Jamul, CA charge riders a base fare when boarding, per mile when moving, and per minute when idling. Lyft rates usually do beat taxi fares in Jamul, CA.

Taxi Fare Calculator Jamul, CA, Taxi Fare Estimates Jamul, CA, Taxi Price Calculator Jamul, CA, Taxi Rates Jamul, CA, Taxi Calculator Jamul, CA.

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